December in Disruption: GPS Jamming and Spoofing in Motion

GPS interference (jamming and spoofing) is dynamic, changes frequently, and December was no exception. We used our data to prepare a little animation to illustrate the situation. The circles indicate the areas, and the numbers tell you how many aircraft were spoofed. The grid in the background indicates which areas experience jamming. The redder a cell is, the worse the interference. The animation shows the detected interference per day for the month of December 2024.

Animation of worldwide GPS Interference (Spoofing and Jamming) for December 2024

As mentioned in this blog post, GPS interference is an issue for various users, from delivery drivers to pilots and ship captains.

If you want to check out what’s going on these days, just go to


Double the number of GPS spoofing overnight


What is GPS interference, and why should I care?